Archive for May, 2010

The Tax Man Cometh

Monday, May 24th, 2010 by Charles Mayfield, CFP®

 In recent weeks, Cass and I have devoted a great deal of time talking about the unique opportunities for our clients in 2010 regarding taxes.  From Roth IRAs to Long Term ... more »

Spring Cleaning with a Twist

Monday, May 17th, 2010 by Charles Mayfield, CFP®

For many of us, Spring cleaning is an annual ritual where we find the time to get everything spit-shined, polished and put into place.  I personally love this time of year ... more »

Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA

Monday, May 17th, 2010 by Cass Chappell, CFP®

The biggest difference between the two types of accounts has to do with taxation. For the purposes of this discussion, and in all blog entries on our site, the term “Traditional IRA” ... more »

The Birth and Evolution of the Chappell Mayfield Investment Dashboard(TM)

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 by Cass Chappell, CFP®

Like many great ‘client friendly’ tools, the Chappell Mayfield Investment Dashboard™ was born out of necessity.  During our quarterly and annual investment reviews, it became apparent that we were inundating our ... more »

Armchair Quarterback- Looking Back to the Bottom

Monday, May 3rd, 2010 by Charles Mayfield, CFP®

This week, I received a performance piece in the mail from one of the money managers we use with our clients.  Its focus was on dealing with investor behavior and the ... more »