Atlanta Planning Guys is an informal blog in which CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Cass Chappell , of Chappell Financial Group, shares his ideas and opinions with the general public.
When we meet with a client for the first time, the conversation quickly drifts to their employer’s retirement plan. The most common of these is the participant-directed Traditional 401(k), a qualified ... more »
From time to time, our clients come to us with plans to make a big recreational purchase or inheritance checks that they want to deposit into their accounts. Understanding the impact ... more »
Monday, March 30th, 2009 by Charles Mayfield, CFP®
I got the "double dumb" phrase from one of my earliest career mentors, Bill Lohnes. Bill was the managing director with the company Cass and I worked with before starting our ... more »
Monday, December 8th, 2008 by Charles Mayfield, CFP®
Have you started a savings account for your children? Perhaps you have put money into a 529 plan for college. Do you traditionally put money toward their future at the end ... more »