Archive for August, 2009

“It just doesn’t feel right!” – 529 Plans

Thursday, August 20th, 2009 by Cass Chappell, CFP®

Arriving on the scene several years ago, 529 savings plans shoulda, coulda, woulda been the greatest thing since sliced bread.   There are hundreds of articles on the web and in magazines ... more »

Healthcare Reform – Quit yelling! It’s time for an open, honest, constructive discussion

Monday, August 10th, 2009 by Cass Chappell, CFP®

 Note from the author: Other than offering that something needs to be done and that we could go about it in a more constructive manner, I have intentionally attempted to leave ... more »

Uninsured Motorist Coverage- A Closer Look

Monday, August 3rd, 2009 by Cass Chappell, CFP®

Uninsured Motorist (UIM) is part of every auto policy in Georgia (and most other states too).  It covers you and anyone in your car during an accident when you are hit ... more »