Market Performance Since March 9th – Further Bear Market Analysis

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 by Cass Chappell, CFP®





On March 9, 2009 the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 6547.05.


Today, April 7, 2009 the DJIA closed at 7789.56 – almost 19% higher.


The attached slide meets my criteria for posting on our blog (short and easy to understand) and shows some interesting information about each bear market since 1900.

This slide, courtesy of Wachovia Securities, reinforces many of our previous blogs.  In the past, bear markets have been followed by strong returns in the following 12 months.  Since WWII, for example, the average return for the DJIA was 29.6% one year following the bear market low.

We believe it is impossible to accurately “pick the bottom”, so I do not want to imply that March 9 was the low OR that the next twelve months following a low will behave the same as in the past.  

You can’t know if it was the low until 12 months later – but here’s to hoping it was!




Wachovia Securities is its own broker/dealer.  We are not affiliated with Wachovia Securities.  This attachment is for informational purposes only.  We offer access to securities through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC.

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